Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God Through Us In Our Every Breathe

I can not do this on my own.
I've tried before.
I dont ever want to be in that place again.
I fully feel how this isn't about me.
I clearly see how what I do never dictates your love for me
and how I can never work up to you
You don't need me.
You want me.
I'm sorry I doubt you through me
and how I question my worth.
I know that you have given me my worth
and it's unspeakeable the fullness of your thoughts towards me.

I want nothing but for you to be glorified
and I know that will take me being silent at times.
It will take me just doing when you tell me to do,
moving when you tell me to move,
loving when you tell me to love,
remembering that my downcast eyes is not the stance of a daughter of yours.

I am not about my pride
because I know you know exactly what I'm capable of on my own.
I have no desire to try and prove you otherwise.
Do with me what you will when you will it.
The miracle in our lives is not about one day or moment.
It's about the daily presence of you in my life
and you moving through me at any given time.

I know this.
I love this. 
To daily be consumed by you
and moved
and lived through
 My only desire-
that I was... because of you.
That they know that I was yours.

"Oh My Dear" by Tenth Avenue North

This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. The first time I heard it, I had these thoughts (below in italics) come to mind of how this song showed a bigger picture. It might be the artist's intentions or not. I don't know. I just know that what I sensed while listening to it......I couldn't write fast enough to keep up. I'll never forget the love I felt in it. I realized in that moment God's true desire to love and heal us, not condemn or punish us.

 In summary, I see this song as symbolic of God sending down his son into this world to experience what we experience because we were failing so miserably on our own. Because of sin, He couldn't do for us what He wanted to do. Sin blocked our communication and relationship with Him. It's about Christ's death and His redeeming blood becoming our covering and how He waits for us to realize what he has done for us. He lovingly ministers to us even when we dont realize it. He will track through miles of snow to reach us where we are in our despair. In fact, he gave his life so that He could. He quietly knocks at our hearts door knowing that if He could only get to you, that he can fix everything...but it has to be us to open the door. The process of building a faith in God is a painful one in the beginning. There's scary submission, revealing shame that God already knows about, releasing to Him the things that torture us, and believing that He is who He says He is. We simply are called to be obedient and what a small sacrifice it is in comparison to His.

Judgement day is not here - not yet. He's not knocking at your door to condemn you. God loves you as His own because you ARE His. There's nothing that you've done or said or think that can change His love for you. What you beat yourself up over was forgotten at the cross on Calvary. It really was. Can you see that? 


  I called you up, you were in bed,
(Awaken child, your spirit slumbers)

could barely make out the words that you said
(You’re soo far from me, lying in your sin.)

But you wanted to see me instead,
(Your cries I’ve always heard, a people in want of show,

so I got dressed
and so I sent my son.)

And I stepped out into the snow,
(I, through my son, came to dwell among you,

and walked for a mile or so
(to know your struggles and temptations for awhile)

Felt the rush of blood come from the cold, within my chest
(Redemption’s blood burst from his heart from all the sin.)

Well, you finally came to the door,
(My heart races as you begin to seek me)

and we talked for an hour or more
(You can reason with me and give me your burdens. )

Until I asked if you would stay up until four, and you said that’s fine
(Can you have a heart for me and my desire for you? It’s but a small sacrifice. )

But you said “theres something I have to say,
(But your fears overcome you)

and I cant because I am so afraid
(Unworthiness overwhelmns you.)

And so I held you as you started to shake, that night
(Finally Giving me all that burdens you in your darkest hour.)

Oh, my dear, I’ll wait for you
(Oh my child, my prodigal one.)

Grace tonight will pull us through
( you will know my grace, covering you to dawn’s light.)

Until the tears have left your eyes
(In you, I am creating a new thing.)

Until the fear can sleep at night
(your cross of shame to lay down and leave at rest)

Until the demons that you’re scared of, Disappear inside
(Dark can not reside with light. Trust me.)

Until the scale begins to crack
(and then my healing of you begins)

And this weight falls from your back
(and your spirit lifted.)

Oh, my dear, I’ll keep you in my arms tonight
(Oh my love, you’re safe in my arms, keep your eyes on me)

You slowly lifted your head from your hands
(Please,don't doubt me. I know how deep your wounds go)

You said “I just don’t think that you’ll understand
(and I know where you’ve carried them)

You’ll never look at me that way again
(I know you’ve met rejection around every corner)

If you knew what I did”
(Oh, but you don’t know what my love  for you is capable of..

And so your tears fell and melted the snow
(How sweet your trust now, your walls falling)

You told me secrets nobody had known
(gently cleansing you as you unravel)

But I never loved you more, even though
Now I know what you did
(Let me show you what you’ve never known before.)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Disciple: Dear X

The song talks about pain, shame, hate and anger as things that keep coming around to tempt us into diving back into them.

Pain: Not a sin in itself, but it most often times causes us to be insecure or hold resentment. It's difficult to let go of pain because it feels like we are saying that the offense is "ok". Forgiving is not saying the offense was right. Forgiving makes us free. Then, even though we can escape the bonds of sin through salvation's grace, the temptation to fall back into unforgiveness is always there. It never goes away from us. We are cleared from iniquities but we can still fall back into them. Insecurity keeps us from reaching our full potential. 

Shame: not a sin, but a tool used against us. What do you feel with shame? Unworthiness, embarrassment...those two can keep us from doing what Hebrews 10:22 says we can do.

Hebrews 10:22  Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. 

How does the feeling of unworthiness and embarrassment affect us spiritually? It keeps us from feeling like we can't have an intimate relationship with God. It keeps us feeling like we have to stay at a distance or that we are undeserving or won't "qualify" for grace. Shame is a tool used against us because satan knows what kind of authoritive transformation occurs in us when we confidently approach God without shame. "Safe in your arms": Familiarity is comforting even if we are miserable in it. We either don't know that there is life outside of shame or we are too hesitant to let it go. Shame tells us that no one will want us, that we are worthless, that the only safety is to not venture past ourselves. All lies....and it too always seems to want to loom over our heads reminding us, but we don't have to accept it. Realize that shame is not yours to keep as some scarlet letter. It's a tool against you. Get righteously mad at that.

Hate: I remember feeling so alive in my hate. It gave me purpose. It gave me motivation. I got to feel something that was beyond me. Heck, it let me feel something when I was numb to everything. I created it with meditation and music so that I could soak in it. It only destroys though and it starts with you. No matter how you think it is aimed at someone/something else or how it is deserved, it destroys you first. Most importanyly, look at what God's word says about it. He equates hating to murder. 

1 John 3:15  Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Anger: Again, I use to thrive on anger as soo many people do. It's easy to attain. It's always faithful to show up just in time. Again, it gave me purpose and feeling. I was addicted to how it fueled my hate. It's a piercing burning tool in our hands that will only be used against ourselves. 

Psalm 37:8 Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil

Some more supportive scripture

Romans 6:14     for sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

1 Peter 5:8     Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 

Psalm 18:40    Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me. [Again, our enemy is not of earth; therefore, not people. Our enemy is of the spiritual realm. It is satan. He hates us. He is the lier, the destroyer, and the wicked.THAT'S who we fight against. NOT each other.

Psalm 107:20    He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

Deuteronomy 3: 22    Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you.

James 4: 3, 7, 10  Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Jeremy Camp Testimony

I could've put any video of his here because his passion is just amazing. I do have to say that he and his wife are a couple you should absolutely hear perform. It's nothing but heaven hearing them together. The show I went to was a private setting type gathering. At some point, it was like he was in a room by himself just worshipping. He could hardly stay in on his stool at some parts because he was that fired up. His voice fills a room and Addie has the most angelic voice to accompany his. What I really loved about the both of them is that they spoke alot of their faith and love for God in such a way that was nothing but a true desire in their hearts. They are amazing speakers. Please see them live if you ever get the chance. Their presence is the kind that draws people to the altar.

Casting Crowns: Mark Hall Testimony

"God doesn't need you. He wants you."