Saturday, April 14, 2012

For Those Who Wait by Fireflight

This song was so profound for me when it came out. I don't even have the right words to try and give you an idea of how much it propelled me forward in my walk with God. So, I had really anticipated the video coming out afterwards. I had never before prayed for a music video ha.  I prayed though that the video would be up to par with the quality of the song lyrically. They nailed it.

I really don't have the words for the effect it had on me. I can honestly say that I think this is the best depiction ever of different things. 

She is us. We are born with a passion for certain things in life. We are born into a plan specifically for us. God has given each of us gifts that He will use through us.  More times than not, we encounter storms that seem to destroy us. Unfortunately, those storms are usually stirred up by those closest to us. It's when we are in our pit and most alone and feeling like we don't have any hope that God steps forward. Not because He is just now choosing to, but rather because He is just now able to. We come to a place where we welcome anything offering hope. We run for so long and so hard because we think submitting to God is us putting our heads on the guillotine. Or, sometimes we have hung in there as best we can never doubting. Maybe there comes a point where you begin to doubt. It is then He steps in and begins to give you a new perspection and a new hope. This video shows how I have come to find out how it REALLY is submitting to God. 

It's a quiet trust we slowly give over. It's God lovingly and merely saying "I love you. I see you. Let me help you. It's time. You're ready." It's God taking our brokenness onto himself and slowly renewing us and our hearts. He begins to show us how we were being refined all along and given experiences that fuel the original passion. He creates in us someone much better than we could have come up with on our own. In the end, it's not going to matter what we did before knowing Him or what others did to us. In the end, it's about our song and if we played it. Did we let God take over and guide us... Will we be able to be taught and loved in order to let His glory shine through our song (life). He's so loving and wishful for you. 

P.S.   I chuckled at the character of God in this video and his white hair. It made me remember a verse in Revelations. 

Revelations 1:14  His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame on fire;


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